Kitchen Tiling Ideas, Tips and Costing

Learn to plan your kitchen tiling renovation, choose the right kitchen tiles, explore ideas and design and also the cost involve. Get your free estimate now.

“engaged them for our kitchen wall and floor tiling and workmanship was superb. Highly recommended!- Farhan”

Kitchen tiling done for Yishun street 22

Kitchen Tiling Overview

Kitchen tiling adds both beauty and functionality to your kitchen. However, it’s important to note that kitchen tiling is not merely about applying tiles to your walls or floors. The process can also include the demolition or overlay of existing tiles, waterproofing the floor, creating concrete plinths for cabinets and appliances, installing concrete sink supports and even setting up kitchen backsplashes.

Determine which parts you wish to focus on, whether it’s the floor, walls, backsplash, or any combination of these. Each of these areas might require specific preparation or materials, like waterproofing for floors or concrete plinths for cabinets.

Choosing Kitchen Tiles

When choosing kitchen tiles, think of the final outcome that you want. If you’re revamping your entire kitchen, try to match your choice of kitchen tiles with your kitchen carpentry. The lighting system you choose will also affect the final ambiance.

Choosing Kitchen Floor Tiles

Consider functionality and future maintenance. The kitchen floor tiles are prone to a high-traffic, so go for durable, easy-to-clean tiles.

Here’s the recommended kitchen floor tiles in Singapore.

  • Ceramic tile
  • Porcelain (Homogeneous or glazed)
  • Vinyl tile

Get porcelain tiles, either homogeneous or glazed, for your kitchen flooring. It’s recommended due to frequent washing, as these materials do not absorb water easily.

One of the popular choice for homeowners in Singapore is using vinyl flooring for kitchen as a budget and hassle free way to upgrade the area.

Choosing Kitchen Wall Tiles

Choose wall tiles that matches the design of your kitchen cabinets countertops and other accessories. Wall tiles can be used for half wall and even full walls. You may go for a different wall tile scheme for one your kitchen wall to create a focal point. However, do not overdo as it will give a messy effect.

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Natural stone
  • Vinyl

It is crucial to choose the right kitchen tiles because choosing the wrong ones will break the whole outlook of your kitchen even if your carpentry and lighting is beautiful.

Kitchen Backsplash

Kitchen backsplash is installed between your top and bottom kitchen cabinet. It protects your kitchen wall from splashes, stains, and water, besides adding a unique character to your kitchen tiling outlook.

Kitchen backsplash between top and bottom kitchen cabinet in Singapore.

Here’s some popular materials in for kitchen backsplash.

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Subway tiles
  • Mosaic
  • Marble or granite

Concrete Plinth

Concrete plinth is a sturdy level platform on which bottom cabinets, refrigerators, washing machines or dryers sits on.

Importance of concrete plinth

Concrete plinths add structural integrity to your kitchen appliances and cabinets. It protect your carpentry from direct water damage when you wash your kitchen flooring.

Advantages of using concrete plinths

  • Durability and longevity: Resistant to wear and tear, ensuring a long-lasting carpentry and appliance.
  • Resistance to moisture and spills: Its impermeability makes it ideal for wet areas around sinks and appliances.
  • Stability and support: A concrete plinth provides a stable surface, reducing vibrations and movement of appliances.

Types of concrete plinths

  • Fridge and washing machine: In these cases, tiles are applied to the top and front of the concrete plinth.
  • Bottom kitchen cabinets: Here, only the frontal area is tiled, matching the look of the cabinets.

How much concrete plinth cost?

  • Fridge/washing machine: $150
  • Cabinet base: $45 per foot (Minimum 10 feet)

Concrete Sink Support

Concrete sink support is the structure inside your kitchen cabinet that has tile finishing. It prevents water damage to your carpentry and able to take on heavier weight.

Concrete sink support structure in kitchen tiling works.

If you’re planning a for kitchen renovation that involves installing a new kitchen cabinet, concrete sink support is a long term investment to save your cabinets from water damage in future. It is done during kitchen tiling works usually together with the concrete kerb. After that, the your kitchen cabinet is built around it.

Concrete sink support after kitchen cabinet installed.

Why Choose Concrete for Sink Support

  • Durability: Concrete is known for its long-lasting properties. It withstands wear and tear, offering a level of durability that few other materials can match.
  • Versatile: With concrete, you can craft sink support structure that fit into various kitchen styles.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Though the initial investment might be on the higher side, concrete pays off in the long run due to its low maintenance and longevity.

Concrete sink support can be constructed into various shapes and sizes to cater for your kitchen carpentry. You can also get it done whether you are using top, undermount or an apron sink.

What is concrete sink support price?

The price for a standard concrete sink support for a 60-80 centimeter sink is between $850-$950 which include cost of labour, raw materials and tiles. By constructing a concrete sink support, you do not need to worry if there are any water leaks as the water will run on the tiles instead of your kitchen cabinet wood.

Kitchen Tiling Cost

The cost of a kitchen tiling project in Singapore depends on your kitchen wall and floor area, type of kitchen tiles Singapore you choose, raw materials, and kitchen tiler labour.

Tiles cost between $3.50-$4.50 per square foot. However, natural stone tiles like marble will cost more. The cost of materials for a kitchen of 150 square feet using kitchen tiles Singapore will be around $2000.

The kitchen tiler will cost you between $6-$8 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the tile design and whether you’re using standard or overlay tiles.

Overlay tiles

Overlay tiles are a popular choice in Singapore as they provide a budget-friendly and hassle-free way to upgrade the kitchen.


Regularly sweep or vacuum your floor and wipe down the wall. Use mild cleaning soap, and you will enjoy them for many years. Choose ones without colouring as your grout can soak up and get discoloured over frequent cleaning.

Hear from our happy customers

Miss Lim


“Our neighbour was doing their kitchen renovation and I saw that their tiles are beautifully layed. We engaged them for our kitchen wall and floor tiling and workmanship was superb. Highly recommended!”

Mr Farhan

BTO Flat Kitchen tiling

Hassle-free Kitchen Tiling

What’s the detailed process of kitchen tiling works?

Hack or Overlay

First, we tear down the kitchen wall and floor tiles. If you choose to overlay, we will screed the existing wall tiles to provide good adhesion when overlaying the new tiles.

Surface preparation

Next, kitchen tiling works can begin. The newly hacked walls are screeded to level off before laying the tiles.

The kitchen tiles will be layed evenly using spacers between each tile so you get uniformed and smaller grout lines. Proper tools are required to avoid damage to the tiles.


Grouting is an important step in the tiling process, as it helps to secure the tiles in place and prevent water from seeping into the gaps.

High quality grout cement are mixed according to the supplier’s instruction. A rubber float is used to spread the grout evenly between the tiles to make sure all gaps sealed

The grout are set to dry for 24 hours.

Where to find kitchen tiles Singapore?

You may head down to look at Hafary kitchen tiles section or Soon Bee Huat. They offer wide ranges and designs of kitchen tiles for you to choose.

Inform them the usage for the tiles. In this case tell them you need kitchen tiles and they will advise on the design and slip rating for kitchen flooring.

What else you do?

You may view all our tiling services in Singapore or call us for assistance.